Are Other People's Prayers Are More Valuable Than Mine?

According to the Bible, prayers are special from all of God’s children.

I saw a post on Facebook on May 2, 2022, that caught my attention:

“Sometimes I think other people's prayers are more valuable than mine. 🙏”

This was my response to them:

Be willing to separate feeling from the truth. According to the Bible, prayers are special from all of God’s children. 

Your feelings show they are not yet healed enough to agree with the truth. 

Go ahead and dive into why your feelings are this way and gently look. Ask for healing in those areas so your feelings will start aligning with God’s truth and not your own made-up truth. We all have areas we are growing in and learning how to give up our own ideas/feelings/mind, and instead, take on God’s. It’s a holy path and process. Instead of pushing away the feelings, go into them, feel them even if they are unpleasant, breathe slowly while you do it, and pray, knowing God wants your healing even more than you could ever want it. ❤️

This was the end of our little interaction. And yet, it comes to mind that some will possibly be saying, “Well, maybe all prayers to God from His children are precious to Him, but I can tell you Bible verses that say some people’s prayers are not heard or are ineffective.” To this, I would agree there are verses that indicate prayers can be hindered by certain attitudes, especially holding on to grudges or offenses. If you are dealing with not being able to forgive or some other issue that you think is holding back your prayer from being effective, you are not without solutions and help. 


Here is one solution and help:

  1. First, just acknowledge to God what you know or believe is hindering your prayers to Him.  You won’t shock Him as He knows it anyway. But when you share these issues with God directly, it helps you not hide in denial, where you are stopped from not making any progress toward a solution.

  2. Feel free to tell God exactly what you think about the issues and situations that you believe are hindering your prayers.  By doing so, you, at the very least, are there to hear yourself clearly.  If you feel not heard by others, including God, you at least took the time to put words and thought into clearly defining what you think are the issues. YOU will have at least been your own best friend and finally fully listened to yourself. Believe me, listening to yourself and showing up emotionally for yourself is a BIG step forward. When we feel pain, usually, the very first person to abandon us or reject us happens to be ourselves. You need to hear yourself. This is important: When we abandon or reject ourselves, we usually project that it was someone else that did it to us, BUT usually, we did it to ourselves first and others followed that initial choice we made toward ourselves. Yeah, you will probably have to read that last important sentence a few times over and just slowly sit with it, asking, “Hmm, is there any truth at all to this idea that I abandoned myself or rejected myself first about what I just told God?” Be slow and let the answer come gently, not from your pain, but from a place of genuinely wanting to know if this applies.  It may or may not, but I have personally been on this ‘merry-go-round’ so many times that I usually find sooner or later that this played a role in making me think God or others did the abandonment or rejection first when it was actually me abandoning myself first. The self-rejection and abandonment are so very important to get healed! When you are partly separated from yourself, you automatically are partly separated from everyone else, including God. The issue is INSIDE YOU usually.

  3. Whatever conclusion you come to -whether you are separated from yourself or not- is OKAY. Just get clear and honest with what you really think about what others have done, what you have done, and what you think God has done that hinders your prayers. There is no wrong conclusion that will keep you stuck in this process as long as you continue to the next step.

  4. Tell God you want to have your prayer life healed. Tell Him you don’t know how to do it if you don’t know how to do it. For instance, you may not be ready to forgive someone or forgive yourself for something, tell God you are willing to be made ready to let go and to help you forgive. Tell Him you want to learn how you can trust Him if that is part of the issue, and share with Him how you don’t yet trust Him, but you are willing to let Him help you get there. The only things you need to bring to the table are willingness and openness to accept help. If you can get there and focus on staying there more and more each moment, then this helps you stay open for God to come in and help what is inside you change so you can be set free.  It is something inside you that is holding you captive and God wants the captives free!  He wants your freedom more than you will ever know to want it! And He wants to help all those who ask for it.

Do this exercise as much as you can, and this process will start to change the perceived stuck position of your prayer life. 

I’m not gonna lie to you, there are some areas of my prayer life that I have seen change very rapidly with this method, and some that have taken consistency over many years. I believe that once you start using this process regularly, the work that has to be done to help you get free in your prayer life has started and will continue as you keep going forward. Don’t always look at what you see if you think you don’t see anything, because sometimes a whole lot of things have to happen under your ‘personal soil’ for an extended period before the hard work is visible by new growth above where you ‘see’ things. Growth in any area is near impossible without also growing first in patience with the process and with yourself. Sorry, no shortcuts around that growth first. Believe me, I have tried hard and have not found another way. It seems to be an unmoveable spiritual law.


So: No prayers are more valuable than others, just as no fellow human being is more valuable than others. We are all on our life journey, we are all children of God growing. Be as genuine and as loving as you can be in prayer in the moment, and for God, this suffices. Like in the mirror picture of myself, our distorted view of ourselves is not God’s view.

Lord, help all those who do this exercise to have Your Holy Spirit strongly around them to help them in this process of healing that You showed You want for them through the love that I know You always give. Protect them in this process.  Anything or anyone that is trying to work against their freedom that they are requesting from You, I ask it to be brought before You and judged and totally dismantled so Your children will be set free. In Jesus' most loving and mighty name! Hallelujah!

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ArticleKatrina McHyde