Want Peace?

Do you want to learn how to hate better or love more? Pushing into love and against hate is haaard work, BUT it is the way to feeling that peace you crave to have! This post has GEMS on how to get to that peace!

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ArticleKatrina McHyde
Love the Moment Right Now, and Then Each Moment After.

Feeling overwhelmed and not happy about your life?... It took me over two years to feel ready to share this article with you because it is very personal for me. I meant it when I wrote it, but somehow it did not feel ready to spring out into the world until now. May this be the perfect timing for the healing of many into God’s awesome love!...

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ArticleKatrina McHyde
Wake-up Call Now!

Are you sure The Lord will not say to you, “Go away! I never knew you!”? I’m not exaggerating when I say this might be the most important message I have been graced to share. Please do not ignore this. I love you so much…

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Katrina McHyde
Tumor Found! Why Am I Not Afraid?

How would you react if you were told that you had a bigger-than-4-inch tumor? Would you be afraid? Fear would be a totally normal reaction. But would it be good for you? Would the tumor leave you because of you fearing it? This video contains the key to a place where you will be less and less afraid of scary experiences. Less and less afraid of any ‘fear-tumor' that you are facing right now.

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Katrina McHyde
Your Son Is... (Zachary’s Journey with God)

Zachary, my son, spoke a full sentence by himself for the first time in 20 years on December 11, 2023! WOOOHOOO! He is 29 years old at the time of this writing. How did we get this breakthrough? Well, I’m about to give you the story of God’s goodness in Zachary’s life that led from needing breakthroughs to getting some breakthroughs.

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Katrina McHyde
Priority Guilt & Counting The Cost

Did I prioritize the right things to please God so that I can look in the mirror and not be repulsed by the person I see looking back at me? This question is THE question I ask myself many times a day to ensure I am making proper choices of what to do with my time. Let’s explore how we can use God’s priorities to ensure that we are making the right choices in life.

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Katrina McHyde
Offended Into Faith

It has been super rare in my life that someone has been offended by me. It has happened but not frequently because I love people, and I have a heart of peace-making. One person whom I have walked with God for many years with just got offended by me once again. Here’s what I wrote to guide them from being offended to get back into a place of faith.

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Katrina McHyde
Do You Want Freedom Or Safety?

Freedom and safety are topics that my partner brings up on a regular basis. The wisdom that he has shared about freedom and safety has changed my thinking and my life drastically. He shares that governments have a tricky job between giving the citizens freedom… and safety. Join me as I explore the ideas of freedom and safety in Love.

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Katrina McHyde
Confronting Hurtful Words and Finding Healing | A Personal Journey Using Chat GPT

Being verbally attacked can be quite intense. The most composed person can squirm when that verbal attack is in a public setting. And now when we go to share our vulnerable experiences, we have more tools to shape the story than ever before. The newest ‘kid on the block’ of tools, namely ChatGPT, has everyone talking. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it the end of the world, or at least the end of the world as we know it?

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Katrina McHyde
Can You Never Get It Right?

The only thing you have to do to accept total forgiveness and help is by accepting The Blood. And the way you show you accept it is by also releasing/forgiving yourself since. If God forgives you by His Son’s blood, then you must agree with God that you are forgiving and your sons have been made as white as snow!

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ArticleKatrina McHyde