Love the Moment Right Now, and Then Each Moment After.
Love the moment right now, and then each moment after. Then that becomes your life story.
Want to know a simple, but not easy, way to change your life?
I invite you to focus on this moment and choose to make it great or see it as great. This is how you can change your life!
Even the bad things have something in them that you can choose to find to hold on to hope and belief in something good. Sometimes you really have to work at it, but only YOU write your testimony of what you think about what you go through.
Make it a good story so that you can be inspired to keep choosing to see things in a more positive light.
Truly, you hold the key, just by your choice of what you decide to tell yourself, whether something is totally bleak or has the potential to make you grow in some way.
(Some Bible stories to consider in this context are the stories of Joseph, Job, Ruth, Daniel, and King David.)
How this works in practice
Now I will give a personal example from an intense moment in my own life to illustrate this idea of loving each moment as it is:
Seeing my former husband get sicker and sicker with cancer, and end up in hospice care in the end, in pain day after day, was no picnic. Then having to stand in a cold refrigerator room where his body lay after death was a wildly trippy experience. Yeah, you can be honest about how difficult some moments are and still realize you can choose to love each moment as it comes.
But I chose to love those moments, even if there were many elements I did not enjoy and I would like to never go through them again. I got to learn even more compassion for people who have lost a loved one because I understand the experience firsthand. I also got to see if my faith was really strong in believing that it’s OK to die because it is a temporary situation that God is going to take care of.
Does that truly comfort me when I am experiencing this for the first time myself?
I was blessed to find that to be my genuine truth. I definitely felt the peace of The Comforter because I have a deep sense that death is temporary. I did not lose myself in the middle of my grief because of this.
Believing the opposite?
I have just as much opportunity to believe that death is permanent, or horrific. I could have more faith in those beliefs instead. And I would have had a more difficult time loving those moments.
Here I will broaden the argument:
Really, no one totally knows what happens when you die and STAY dead until you take that path. That means all those conflicting stories out there about death don’t give you total proof of what happens.
Yeah, we believe BY FAITH about death what we want to believe or what we have been taught or forced to believe. But, I get to tell my story, my testimony, any way I want. A person always tells their testimony from what they have faith in or what they lack faith in. ONLY YOU control your testimony about your experience.
You don’t control the experiences necessarily, BUT you control what you think about the experience.
So back to my beginning statement, which is also my conclusion: Love the moment right now, and then each moment after. Then that becomes your life story.
Yesterday is only a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision. Today, however, well-lived, fully-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. (I did not write these last two sentences, but I got them translated… :-))
We Are Owned By Love,
Written April 7th, 2022- It took me a while to feel ready to share this article with you. I meant it when I wrote it, but somehow it did not feel ready to spring out into the world until now. May this be the perfect timing for the healing of many into God’s awesome love! If you have anger with God over difficult life experiences, maybe the book I wrote, ‘Healing From Being Mad At God-The wild ride back into love’, could help. It has helped many others already.
P.S. You can help others who struggle with difficult life situations that have them by sharing this article with them. Or, if you struggle, sharing this article with friends and loved ones can help a conversation start where you can talk about these things and ideas. You can build a community that encourages one another to learn how to retell their life experiences in a way that builds one another up AND also is real with what you truly feel. This can bring movement to places that feel stuck and healing. When one person in The Body of Christ is hurting, the whole body hurts. Not only does The Bible say that, my infected tooth is reminding me of this loud and clear these past couple of days. And, of course, the pain started on a Friday. Ugh! I definitely get how you are hurting makes me hurt. That is why I write these articles and make YouTube videos to be a help in The Body of Christ. I so love you!
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