Wake-up Call Now!
Are you sure The Lord will not say to you,
“Go away! I never knew you!”?
I’m not exaggerating when I say this might be the most important message I have been graced to share. Please do not ignore this. You are too important to God and to me.
Are you sure The Lord will not say to you, “Go away! I never knew you!”?
Are you certain you know The Lord and He knows you?
Are you ready if The Lord decides to take you home in the next two breaths or the next 20 years?
Are you prepared now for tough life experiences?
How to never hear, “Go away! I never knew you!” from our Lord.
How to prepare for the difficult times you will go through here in the near future. (Again, I’m not exaggerating.)
How you can tell more easily if a message is from God or not.
What the general cycle of world events is and where we are in that cycle.
How to know for sure you know God and He knows you.
Warnings about The Holy Spirit.
People’s reaction to the video
I’m getting private and public messages sharing how important this live video was for their spiritual walk! Many people are sharing with me that they took notes for themselves as they listened because the video is jam-packed with significant spiritual information.
The short story is that we have little time and must diligently make our relationship with God first from here on out. Our time must be wisely used to grow in faith because we will need it from here on out (The truth is we always needed it but we have been distracted.).
People’s reaction to the video…👇
Free and easy way to help others!
Did you know that you, yes, you, can easily help others hear about the goodness of God? And you don’t even have to break a sweat to help all the ministries you love reach more people for Christ!
You help by simply:
‘liking’ a ministry’s video on YouTube when you watch it
watching the WHOLE thing
COMMENTING helps a lot!
subscribing to the channel
…and definitely share it with your friends on social media so they can benefit from freedom in Christ!
The invisible internet world then does the rest of the work of reaching people for Christ: Those invisible ‘workers’ in the internet decide that the Christ-filled content is precious and worth sharing with more people. Ha! We offset the ungodly content out there just by doing these simple acts mentioned above!
Let’s reach people for Christ together!
Oh! And leave a comment on the video on how I can pray for you. Or join me in praying for someone who is asking for it in the comments. Let’s be The Body of Christ that prays for one another ❣️
We are Owned By Love,