Healing from Being Mad at God | Soft Cover Book + Shipping Included

Healing from Being Mad at God | Soft Cover Book + Shipping Included
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How can a relationship with God go so wrong? Katrina Loves leads us through a wild ride of healing. But first, she tears off the bandage of hidden wounds. Just raw…
Brutally honest, the journey takes us deep into the heart of conditional love, uncovering layers of ingrained beliefs and challenging the norms of acceptance. Katrina openly shares her own struggles with facing pain head-on, expressing her anger towards God, and ultimately finding solace in the Holy Pause—a moment of divine intervention and love.
Healing From Being Mad At God is a conversation between Katrina and a person who’s struggling in their relationship with God and life. This healing journey takes you through all the stages of escape mechanisms, denials, and exploring the concept of Free Will. Even willing to address the BIG Elephant in the Room, Katrina Loves touches us deep inside, where we rarely, if ever, are willing to go, to the part that says, “I’m really mad at God!”
“So compelling! I could not put it down until chapter 6 when I absolutely had to get my behind into work!!” as one reader put it.
Are you ready for the ride? Katrina brilliantly and safely guides you through your fears and toward a place of reconciliation with God.